01 May, 2016

Now Give Me the Secret of the F.A.Q. Part III

Once again back by popularity I am doing another secret of the F.A.Q. answering the most common questions that occur. For those who are scrolling, and do not see the answer to a question they are looking for please check the other two F.A.Q.'s first. If there is a question you would like answered please feel free to leave a comment, and I will be more than happy to answer it for you (or find out the answer if I don't know it). So, without further delay here we go again...

Can I change my arrival date?
Yes, you may change your arrival date however only once. If I were you I would keep checking as sometimes more dates open up as more people are selected for roles, but also note certain roles are limited to certain arrival dates. As a tip for any late acceptances check at the last minute for open spots you would be amazed the amount of people who back out of the DCP after accepting.

Do I have to live in housing?
Again no if you are over the age of 21, and bring a vehicle you can live off property. I will end the debate now yes it is sometimes cheaper living with roommates outside of Disney housing. If you are under 21(no exceptions) or are over 21 and did not bring vehicle you do not have the option to live outside Disney housing.

Can I call out and go to the park?
The answer in general is no, and here is why Disney for starters can look up when you use your main gate. Also every discount you use you have to swipe your Blue Disney ID -see what I am getting at here. The written rule is you as long as you are not in the park when you call out or anytime after it is fine. However, if you are an intern this is 100% vague as you can be termed for any reason including this.I will also post this as it is from the 2016 Spring Disney College Program guide in case anyone says otherwise. 

*As a note yes regular CMs do go by a different rule, but CPs follow the one above. 

How many days am I allowed to have off?
For you CPs this rule is very simple you may have 10 consecutive work days off, or 14 consecutive days off. This rule is based on a 40 hour/5 day work week, so keep that in mind when peak season rolls around and those two regular days off go to one or no days off. The following picture is from the Disney College Program handbook for anyone wondering where I got the information from.

Does it matter what I wear to Traditions?
You may see comments like this on FaceBook (posted below), but yes you probably will see your Traditions facilitators again. They are regular Cast Members who work in the theme parks and resorts, and could very well end up being your coordinator, manager, trainer, or fellow Cast Member. Also if you network, want to return to the company, or whatever you will more than likely run into this person again at some point in your Disney career. While they may have no control over whether or not you get termed, but if you ever run into them again it will matter. I know personally mine CP facilitator winded up being my manager, and I interviewed with them for my Management Internship.

What is the point system, and how does it work?
3 points in 30 days = 1 reprimand
6 points in 90 days = 2 reprimands
9 points in 180 days = 3 reprimands
12 points in 365 days = 4 reprimands

To be clear it is days there seems to be some misinformation about that, so to be clear your points have to be within days of each other. As a note no they do not reset at the beginning of every month those ones from last month can still count against you if you did not time it correctly.  


0.5 points = For anything less than 2 hours (yes it includes even 1 second late)
1 point =  Anything over 2 hours late
1 point = No call / no show

3 no call / no shows = termination

*This is a one time thing for DCP applicants, bu you may use a doctor's not once to convert 3 consecutive call out days for being sick into 1 point. Yes, they must be consecutive days in a row (so regular day offs do not count), and you must have a doctor's note no exceptions. 

Disney program interns on the DCP applicants will be termed when you receive the 4th reprimand for attendance, and 3rd for performance and safety reprimand. As for regular Cast Members are termed when they receive the 5th attendance reprimand. 

Important acronyms and phrases:
  • RDO: Regular Day Off
    • For you interns this means those are typically going to be your scheduled days, but there are zero guarantees you will always have those off. This is especially true during peak season when you may go to one day off a week (or no days), and if one of them happens to fall on a holiday. 
      • Part-time is pretty on-point with interns especially if you have no seniority, but if you have high seniority or are full-time you can pretty expect those days to be off if you bid for them. 
      • Yes you can go to the parks on these days DCP and PIs. 
  • Approved Days Off:
    • For anyone approved days off are when you ask for days off in advance through the labor service center on the hub. When you submit them I suggest you do it well in advance, and when you do you will be given 3 options. The first is approved (yay good for you!) means your time off has been approved, and you will not be scheduled to work. The second is denied which means you are not getting those days off, and the third is pending. As for what is pending it is that pesky thing that means you have to wait for it to be approved or denied, so I would not go planning anything just yet.
      • Yes you can go to the parks on these days DCP and PIs if they were approved.
      • DCP: Very important note here generally if you move locations (extension not forced) you will need to resubmit any days you did further out where you will be at a new location. For anyone who was force transferred your approve days off will go with you. 
      • DCP Holidays: Let's be 100% honest right here you are not going to be Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years off no matter when you submit it to the hub. You have zero seniority with the company, which means everyone with seniority is above you on the request if they asked for it off too. 
  • Schedule Swap:
    • Yup sometimes Approved Days Off do not happen, but you still want the day off without having to call out. The easiest way to do that is having someone trade shifts with you, and yes even if you have their information you need their permission (someone switched mine without asking, and management fixed it ASAP). If they do agree put it on the hub I suggest doing it on the hub ASAP, and not doing it last minute if you do though you can have management push it through (they won't always but sometimes they are willing to). You can also do a 3 way trade, which is annoying, but just in case anyone was wondering it is possible.
      • Important note here you can only swap with people who are trained if someone is not trained then the swap will not go through.
  • ER: Early Release
    • These are those wonderful things that not all locations have the luxury of getting. Yes, you read that correctly my first location getting an ER was a easy -how easy? All you had to do was ask, and you were going home early anytime any day. My second location not so much ERs were almost unheard of, and there was generally only one per day if they had one. If you do get one though an ER is basically when a leader approves your shift to end early without getting any points for it.
      • Yes you can go to the parks after you have been ERed. 
  • ADO: Authorized Day Off
    • I will start by saying ADOs must be given prior to clocking into your shift, and as for how to go about asking for one it will depend on your location. I know personally I have showed up for work, and if I noticed they were giving our ERs I would ask my manager for an ADO. You can also call management prior to the start of your shift, and ask them for one. Now most times they generally won't approve it, but if they do congrats you just got the day off.
      • Yes if your ADO was approved you can go to the parks. 
  • ROS: Release of Shift
    • These are given to Cast Members who get sick while at work (they are not suppose to be used for those who arrived sick), and to be clear there are no points with an ROS although it does show up on your record card. As a general note always try to call out, attempt ADO, or try an ER before going for an ROS as to many of them looks back. 
      • These are not like ERs or ADOs while management does technically approve you to leave you still have to clock early without a schedule adjustment (again no points).
      • No if you ROS was approved you cannot go to the parks.
      • Why? It looks really bad (also possible termination) that if you are well-enough to go to the parks, but to sick to finish your entire shift -well you get it I hope. 
Some important things to remember:
  • If you are sick 3 consecutive days off in a row you can combine them into 1 point, but only if you have a doctors note. I will also say for you DCPers this can only be used once during your entire program, so use it wisely before doing it. 
  • Clocking, disciplinary, and attendance reprimands are never combined
  • The 90 day probationary period does not apply to the DCP
  • Interns do not have sick or personal days
  • If you are an intern you can be termed for something other then clocking, attendance, or reprimands as well.
  • To be clear for requested days off DCP applicants are only allowed to take 10 consecutive work days off in a row at one time. 
    • For you PIs it will depend on your location same can take only 3, and others can take 10 like DCP applicants. 
Disneyland applicants just take the Walt Disney World point system and x 3 to figure out your system. 

I want to be clear despite popular belief points do not disappear from your record card -ever. Nope never you can still see them from whenever you started with the company (as someone who has left and come back multiple times trust me it is still there). Also if you extend it continues so you need to be especially carefully for those 9 in 180 and 12 in 365 if you choose to stay. However, they do not effect you in the future if you return, or if you stay on they do not convert from CP to CM. 

How do I look up the total number of hours I worked on the hub?
If you would like to look up the total number of hours you worked check on the hub under payroll services (yellow tab on the right hand side of the screen).

Can I give away shifts the last two weeks of my program?
You can however you have to do it through your leaders not labor service center. Any shifts given away or traded the last two weeks of your program need to be approved by a leader.

What is the number I can contact recruiting to ask a question?
Let me be clear I have provided the number for Casting on this site several times, but I want to be clear they have changed their automated system. What does that mean? Well it means it is almost impossible to get in contact with an actual person in the recruiting department. If you choose they option they will tell you to please email either the college program email, the PI email, or look for the answer on the Disney Career Website.

Can my leaders provide a reference for me?
I want to be clear it is company policy that no one at Disney can provide a reference for you, but you can ask for a personal reference from a leader.

Do Disney interns get holiday pay?
No, you 100% do not get holiday pay and yes I promise you will more then likely be working it as well.

Do CPs get paid sick or persona. days?
This is going to be two separate answers so please read the one that applies to the program you are applying for.

Walt Disney World: No I'm sorry CPs do not get pad sick or personal days. So, when you call the labor service center and they ask sick or personal really doesn't matter which one you say -both are essentially the same for CPs. Also even though I wrote it above no unlike regular cast members when you call out personal you cannot go to the theme parks -so I will post this picture again from the programs guide. 

Disneyland: Yes CPs, due to California state law, get sick and personal days when they reach a certain number of hours so check the hub to see if you have any eligible days. 

Do Disney interns get overtime pay? Also is it easy to get overtime?
Yes! for anything over 40 hours in a week, or anything over an 8 hour shift. As for is it easy to get overtime it will really depend on your role some it is quite difficult to get overtime, and others they just hand out overtime on a daily basis. I suggest if you cannot get overtime through your location pick up extra hours on the Extra Hours Hotline (EHH).

What is Disney Look, and does everyone have to comply with it?
First off if you are in the DCP or work in theme parks and resorts in guest facing positions you 100% have to comply with the Disney Look. As for what is Disney Look I will do a general post later about it, but if you are to read it yourself here is a link to the their official Disney Look guidelines.

What if I take a week off how do I pay rent?
Well if you live in Disney housing you are going to be given two options the first will be to pay by credit/debit/check, and the second will be to have double rent taken out of the following paycheck. If you do not work enough hours they will email you letting you know you failed to work enough hours to pay rent. On the email will it will inform you if you do not pay by check/debit/credit in-person, online, or over the phone it will be taken out of the following weeks paycheck.

I am having difficulty with my roommates can I switch?
This is a technical question with yes and no as possible answers here. Now let me explain before anyone is allowed to move due to roommate issues there will be a mandatory housing meeting for all the roommates living there in order to workout their issues. If the housing meeting does not work out. and there is room in another apartment (both are required) then they will be allowed to move apartments.

Can I switch apartments without a roommate issue?
Typically they generally only allow you to move if you are issues with roommates, but if there is room available for you to move sometimes you can. However! There will be a minimum of a $100 fee to do so, and they will only do it if room is open too to so.

Can I move out of Disney housing during my program?
Again another technical issue here I know from experience that you can go to the front desk, and ask for a form with information you will need to email. They will want to know the following:
  • Are you over the age of 21?
  • Did you bring your own vehicle?
  • Where are you moving? and when are you signing the lease?
  • Who are you moving in with?
  • When are you moving off property if approved?

These are what I can remember, but I know no one who was approved to move out of housing that was under 21. Also for you over 21 they may not approve it if you did not bring your own vehicle just as an FYI. The only exceptions I know of is if you are moving in with family, and to be clear actual family not close family friends.

What happens if I do not turn in my Disney Blue ID at the end of my program?
If you forget to turn it in or simply do not for some reason I want to be 100% clear you cannot use it for discounts of any kind once the program is over. However, it does not hurt your rehire status with the company either in case anyone was wondering. If you forget/do not turn and you decide to come back to the company with the Blue ID still in your possession turn it in to Access Control at DU to get a new one. If you do it prior to Traditions you will get a new one during or just after Traditions, but if you do it after Traditions it could take up to a week or so to get a new Blue ID. Now for those who return to the company, and do not have your Blue ID in your possession you will be charged $50.00 for a new one.

What happens if I lose my Disney Housing ID?
First off my suggestion is check the clubhouse most CPs are pretty good about turning them in, and also ask for a temporary paper one. If you cannot find it and no one turned it in you will have to pay a $50 replacement fee (yes I know it is annoying). They can also temporarily look you up by the computer system, but they will eventually make you get a new ID especially if they always have to look you up. Although here is a comment from the 2015 Fall group to watch out for as in my program it was always $50 (obviously the name and first line have been edited out).

What if I lose my Blue ID?
If you lose your Disney Blue ID you will need to go to Access Control at Disney University to replace it, and they will charge you $35 to replace it (while an active CM -if not see above). 

What happens if I lose my apartment key?
Good news for you people who lost your key unlike the Housing ID it only cost $3 - $5 to replace the key. Just go to the front desk, and ask for a replacement key. As for how to get into your apartment without one if your roommate is not home you have two options the first have a roommate leave you the key (do not suggest it), or you can have security get you into your apartment.

Where can I pick-up my Main Gates?
First off as of 2016 they seem to be stopping having CPs picking them up prior to being mailed (yes includes off property), but if you do not live in housing and are a CP check Vista Way first. If they are not at Vista Way then you will want to call the following phone number, and they are located at the following address.

Phone | (407) 934-6077
Address | 200 Celebration Place 8th floor in Kissimmee, FL 34747

What is the bus schedule? How do I keep track of it?
I will post the bus schedule below along with some few helpful tips and tricks that might help you out during your program. For those who simply want the app it is called TransLoc Rider and it tracks where all the buses are, and from my experience it is pretty accurate give or take 2-5 minutes. Also there is a website for those who want to check on a laptop it is this address http://transtar.transloc.com/ it is the same as the app just the online version for anyone wondering the difference.

Tips & Tricks of the Transtar:
  • I suggest having a copy of the paper schedule on hand or saved on your phone in case the app goes down
  • Download the official Transtar app 
  • The busses are not on exact schedules, so always arrive to the stop 10-15 minutes early to ensure you catch the bus
  • Have your housing Id out, so you do not hold up the other passengers digging through your bag
  • Give yourself extra time if your bus happens to stop at Vista Way first as they typically stay there longer 
  • If you live in Chatham and The Commons know not all buses stop there only Vista Way has all the buses stop at their complex
  • Patterson you will need to walk to Chatham's bus stop, and The Commons if the bus does not stop at your complex as well
  • You are going to want to take the bus that will get you to work about 20-30 minutes early as sometimes incidents happen
  • Also if you are at MK give yourself extra time as you get dropped off at cast parking, and need to hop on another bus to get to the backstage of MK
    • Added note for MK sometimes West Clock does random bag checks, so I stress again give yourself extra time if you work there
  • If you are late due to a bus issue (such as when the C bus caught on fire) tell your leaders they will call Transtar and confirm then adjust your time
  • C bus (most typical case of this) the CP bus after park close will be super crowded some days, and not all of you are going to get on it so you will have to wait for another. I know it is annoying, but they usually have 2-3 buses running. 
  • As a note at check-in there is a bus that takes you to Casting, but if you need to get there afterwards you can request a stop on the F bus

Is there a decal fee for my car?
Yes, as of 2016 there is a decal fee for bringing a car on the program it is $50 if you pre-register it on DORMS, and $75 if you register it at check-in.

How do I ask for days off?
For you DCP and operation PI roles to switch your regular days off or request days off you are going too have to go on the hub. You can switch your regular days off, which will change your schedule for that week, and personally it is much easier if you want to days off in a row rather then asking for them off. If you want to request days off you will need to put that request in, and I suggest you do it as early as possible. For you interns as a side note you are only allowed to take 10 consecutive days off in a row, so keep that in mind if you are planning a trip during your program. For you PIs in operation days off are sometimes going to be hard to come by, and I know some PI interns are only allowed to take 3 consecutive days off so remember to talk to your leaders. As for you corporate PIs that work outside of operations if you want days talk to your leaders I know mine were more then flexible about giving me time off when I asked for it.

Where do I find Blockout Dates for Cast Members?
You simply want to go to https://blockoutdates.disney.com/ to find Blockout Dates, and typically they go about 3 months out. Just as an note they tend to change from time-to-time, so always check prior to making plans.

What is the new hour rule for guest passes?
As of the 2016 season goes a little something like this:

150 hours worked = 3 one-day guest park hopper tickets
300 hours worked = 6 one-day guest park hopper tickets
600 hours worked = 9 one-day guest park hopper tickets

The maximum number of guest tickets per year will be 9 one-day guest park hopper tickets, and I want to be clear this rule is for CPs, PIs, and MIs regular CMs have different rules. Also these passes are for one calendar year, so if you are Spring/Spring Advantage even if you extend into Fall you do not receive new guest passes. However, for you Fall/Fall Advantage applicants you are in luck if you extend into Spring due to your program going into the next calendar year you will receive new guest passes. I will also state if you complete a Fall/Fall Advantage DCP program you will receive a Cast Member Holiday Booklet with a 1 guest/1 day entrance pass, as well as other coupons that can be used around the Walt Disney World Resort. Also if your location participates in any Disney VoluntEARS you may be able to earn more guest passes, but it is not always a guarantee. As an important note keep the guest passes after each use! You do not get new cards any park hopper tickets will be added to the current ones.

How do the guest passes work?
To be clear you cannot just give anyone your passes to use since you must be present for them to use the passes. That means if your family comes to visit, and they want too go to Magic Kingdom using your passes unless you are there to physically scan your self-admission pass then have them scan in their guest passes they cannot get in. Your guest passes only work after you scan in your card, but once they are in the park you do not have to be with them. However, once you leave they cannot park hop without you so in order for them to change parks you will need to scan in your self-admission pass again. I also suggest you choose wisely who you use your guest passes on as you are held accountable for their behavior.

Are the new Chip n Dale guest passes (one day park hoppers) subject to block out dates?
Yes, they are subject to block out dates however they only follow block out dates for employee self-admission and one day park hoppers.

Where can I use my Self-Admission pass and Guest passes?
As of 2016 here is where Cast Members can use their self-admission pass:

Can use self-admission pass
Walt Disney World Resort
California Adventures

Cannot use self-admission pass
Shanghai Disneyland
Hong Kong Disneyland
Tokyo Disneyland
Disneyland Paris

*To be clear for regular cast members you can use your self-admission at Disneyland Paris and Hong Kong 

What can I use my Blue ID?
Well besides clocking in and out of work if you use a hard clock it is pretty useful. This little Blue ID is pretty helpful. If you show your Blue ID to a parking attendant you will not be charged for parking. Also this Blue ID can give you discounts on certain purchases such as dining meals (check the hub), merchandise, theme park tickets, annual passes, special event tickets, and more.

Can I use my Blue ID or self-admission after my program ends?
I am literally going to copy, and paste the answer written by Disney themselves. To be clear this counts for anything Disney related for use of discount so guest passes, self admission passes, and Blue ID discounts. 

Is it true Cast Members get discount on cruises?

Yes, it is very accurate there are some pretty sweet discount on cruises sometimes up to 50% off. Fair warning though they are unfilled rooms on cruises, and typically you will book it with 2-3 week notice (which is not a lot of time to request off). The cruises also go very quickly when they become available, so I suggest if you are serious about going check often. To be 100% clear as well you may only take advantage of the discount if you are a current Disney Cast Member, so you CPs no don't plan on booking one after your program you have to go during. Also in order to get the discount you yourself need to be going on the cruise you cannot book it for your family and then not go.

Who do I talk to if I want to term myself?
For you CPs you are going to want to fist off let your leaders know your decision about terming yourself, and second you are going to want to talk to the Disney Service Center. If you decide you are going to term yourself the Disney Service Center is going too want to know when your last day will be, and if you do not live near the area you will have to show them a plane ticket as proof. Just as an not you California interns as stated in other post you will still need to pay rent even after terming yourself from the program.

How do I extend my program?
For you PIs it works a little differently within your individual departments, so when you get there your leaders will talk to you about it. For you CPs here is how you will go about extending your program when extensions become available about a month prior to the end of your internship.
If I extend, and decide I won't want to can I go back to my original end date?
This one is a bit tricky however yes is the answer if you let the Disney Service Center know you wish to deny your extension. If you do it prior to your new date/new transfer date it is not considered self-terming, and you can leave on good terms as an alumni. However, if you decide after your new date/new transfer date that you do not want to stay anymore leaving will be considered self-terming, and you will be put on a restricted rehire list for a minimum of 6 months.

What are the rules about extending your program?
Now of course a very important question is how do I know if I am eligible to extend. I don't want to have a lot of he aid she said going on here, so I am just going to post exactly what is on Disney's website which you can read for yourself here.
Are extensions automatically approved if I meet the qualifications above?
No, they are 100% not guaranteed even if you happen to choose same role/same location, or even same role/different location. It really just depends I know people who were denied extensions with no points or reprimands, and others who had multiple points be able to extend -really no pattern here. However, if you cannot extend or are denied you can always go PT/FT presuming if there are open positions to do so.

Can I transfer part-time or full-time after my program?
Of course! 4-6 weeks (typically 6) prior to the end of your program you can apply for PT/FT if there is space available to do so in Transfer Genie on the hub.
I am a current Disneyland (or Walt Disney World) DCP participant can I extend my CP to the other theme park?
This is actually not considered an extension to Disney unlike if you stayed at whichever theme park you were currently at this is instead considered an internal transfer.

Can I request an early leave for school purposes?
If you do not want to term yourself, but you have to leave the program for school reasons that is fine. You will need to show the Disney Service Center a letter from your school saying that you need to return to start classes.

What if I am on the quarter system?
First off you need to let Disney know that during your initial phone screening, and if they happen to schedule you when you need to return to school follow the leave early request for school.

Can I switch my program from Advantage to Non-Advantage?
No, offers with Disney are very take it or leave it deals, so if it is not what you wanted then I suggest you deny it then try again another term. Also there is no trading despite popular rumors, and yes if you leave early it is considering terming yourself as you agreed to work the entire length of your program. If you do not believe me then you can read Disney's comment themselves, and you can find it on this page here.

How do I go about terming myself?
If you do decide to term yourself I suggest you speak to your leaders at your location, and let them know your decision (common courtesy). Also you will need to talk to the Disney Service Center as well from there they will most likely ask why you are deciding to leave, your work location, and the exact day you intend to leave. After that you will work until your leave date then turn in your Blue ID, Housing ID, parking decal (if you have one), and keys.

If I term myself can I return to the company?
The general rule if you term yourself is a 6 month no rehire status with the company, and you must wait the full 6 months before reapplying. However, if you want to apply for say a Disney Store it is possible does not mean they will take you, but feel free to apply to one anyone. As for anything in Parks & Resorts such as anything on Walt Disney World Resort property, Disneyland, California Adventures, Disney Vacation Clubs (Aulani & Vero), and Disney Cruise Lines is a solid no.

What is a restricted rehire?
A restricted rehire in terms of interns is anyone who left the company on less than good terms (basically anyone who leaves their program early). A restricted rehire is for theme parks and resorts (DCL, DL, WDW, and etc. to give you an idea), and it last a minimum of 6 months. I say a minimum because it can be longer (know someone who self-termed from 3 years ago, and is still on a restricted rehire), so at the end of 6 months I would contact Casting to ask if you are still on the list. If you are not then feel free to apply to jobs/internships in theme parks and resorts, but if you are not than you might need to appeal. An appeal will consist of getting in contact with Casting where they will inform you that you need to submit a job for an hourly role to begin the appeal process. Once you do that basically it is a waiting game, and I mean waiting it can take anywhere from 2-4 months from them to get back to you on their decision. Now if you appeal and win then you can start applying for jobs again, but if you lose you will need to either give it up (your not going back to Disney) otherwise you can appeal again (not saying the outcome will be any different).

Can I work a second job during my program?
Let's be 100% clear about this recruiting will tell you no, and make you sign a contract saying you will not work another job. However, if you speak to your leaders about wanting a second job they will sometimes allow it if it 100% does not interfere with your Disney schedule. As a former CP, PI, and MI I know it is very possible to work another job, but after your schedule you are not going too want to. If you do though I emphasize the need to speak to your leaders as having a second job is grounds for termination, but as I stated some allow exceptions.

Do I get paid overtime?
For you Disney Interns you can get overtime for anything over 40 hours in a week, or anything over 8 hours in a day. Other than that there is no holiday pay for CPs, PIs, or MIs only regular CMs get holiday pay, so sorry you are going to work everyone of them without any real benefit.

Can managers write recommendations?
The company policy for The Walt Disney Company is no managers and leaders are 100% not allowed to give future recommendations. However, you make ask for a personal reference although I will say most managers will say no as it breaks company policy. If you do use a manager though as a reference please 100% ensure you have their permission to do so.

Can I switch my location during my program?
No again unless you have a medical reason that stops you from performing your role you may not switch, and as a note they will only switch you if there is room if there is not you may be termed. However, if you extend you have the opportunity to change roles or locations presuming you get accepted for an extensions (yes possible to be a current intern extend and be denied). I will also state Disney does force transfer as well, and I have seen it happen a lot especially to people in PAC.

What is the rule on overnight guests?
For you DCP and PI applicants living in housing there is one rule that is going to annoy you, and it is no overnight guest are allowed to stay CP or non-CPs. Yes I know you are all wondering well what if my roommates are okay with it? Well good for you, but if you get caught it is not just you up for termination but your entire apartment. Also it does not matter if you are okay with it or not it is against housing rules, so for those crazy rule breakers -best advice do not get caught. You also have to sign non-CP guests in as well (you do not have to sign out), and if they bring a car inside they do write down the plates. As I said some of you will listen others will not again best advice do not get caught, and yes it is your fault if your entire apartment gets termed for it.

I would also like to point out a technical flaw in their wording (yes this is direct from the website, so no I do not make this up). They say no overnight guest that are non-CPs, and they say no CP guests from other complexes -fine. However, it does not say anything about CPs that are in the same complexes while the rule is technically no (as you will learn in the housing meeting) it does not actually state otherwise.

What is the max number of days I can take off?
The max number of days a CP is allowed to take off in a row is 10 days (for PIs and MIs it is a little different)

If I term can I still use Disney on my resume?
In general if you term you can still use Disney on your resume, but I would not use Disney if you did not stay for a minimum of 3 months.

What is a suspension? And how does someone get one?
A suspension is when someone violates a rule of the company, and instead of being termed on the spot they are put on suspension. Now a suspension basically means pending termination based on the outcome of the decision made, and for CPs it pretty much means farewell you are getting termed (although some have been allowed back). Regular Cast Members though are much more successful at coming back from a termination than a CP is, and if you are a CP who has managed to come back -you will be watched like a hawk.

If I want to argue a termination or suspension where do I do?
This is much more common for regular CMs, but the 3rd floor of the SunTrust building (right next to Casting) is where you would take up your issue. HR is located in that building, and they are the ones you take up your issues with. As a CP I cannot say it is going to help, since in the contract for a CP it says (paraphrasing) you can get termed for whatever reason they choose or can term you without reason. If you are a CP it does not hurt to try, but if you are regular CM please take all issues here.

What are some of the discounts we get?
  • Free parking at all theme parks when you show your Blue ID
  • 50% of water park tickets during the peak season (it is free during a certain period, and if you work at a water park it is free year round for both Typhoon and Blizzard)
  • 20-40% of certain dining locations (although to be clear they add an automatic 20% for gratuity) 
  • Cruise line discounts up to 50% sometimes (although you have to be a Cast Member for 90 days prior to getting the discount)
  • Resort discounts at Walt Disney World and Disneyland 40% off without a CM on the reservation, and 50% off with the CM on the reservation. This discount can also go up to 60% off during the holiday season as well, so keep an eye out for that. 
  • Some apartments off discounts for Cast Members such as 10% off rent, waiving the application fee, and etc. so always ask if you are looking!
  • Some local business give discounts as well to Cast Members, so always ask about that as well 
    • This also includes the Nike Outlet near The Commons as well just so you know
  • Discounted tickets at Company D for special events, annual passes, water parks, and park hopper passes
  • Discounted merchandise at Cast Connections
  • Discount on the iRide trolley
  • Free stroller and wheelchair rentals at the parks (subject to block out dates), and no ECV's are not included
  • AMC theaters sell discounted move tickets (but only at the box office in person not online or at the machine)
  • Jellyrolls gives free entry to anyone over 21+ 
  • SeƱor Frogs discount for cast members
  • Discounts for Universal Studio annual pass (if you ask housing nicely for a letter to prove residency they tend to give it to you, and you can use it to get the discounted rate for Universal)
  • Most places at Disney Springs operated by third party operating participants also tend to give discounts as well 
  • 20% of Disney merchandise (10% for videos and DVDs), and this goes to 40% off during the holiday season
  • Disney Dining Plan when offered is usually 15% off, but can go as high as 50% (it is not offered year round, so call 407-939-2278 to check)
  • Character in Flight discount at Disney Springs (aka the hot air balloon)
  • Tri-Circle D Ranch (also discount on Trail Rides)
  • Disney Golf Courses
  • Guided Bass Fishing 
  • Discount on Sammy Duvall Water Sports at Contemporary 
  • Walt Disney World Mini Golf
  • Discount on recreation vehicles at the resorts (such as Poly, Contemporary, and Grand) 
  • Tour Discounts on:
    • Epcot Seas Aqua Tour
    • Keys to the Kingdom 
    • Backstage Magic
    • The Magic Behind Our Steam Trains 
    • Marceline to Magic Kingdom Tour 
    • Dolphins in Depth
    • Epcot Dive Quest
    • Yuletide Fantasy 
    • Behind the Seeds
    • Undiscovered Future World 
    • Wild Africa Trek
    • Backstage Safari
  • 20% of Disney Spas on select services 50 minutes or greater
    • Grand Floridian Senses Spa (between the Grand Floridian wedding pavilion and Polynesian resort)
    • Saratoga Springs Senses Spa (located near the DVC preview center)
  • 20% of select fitness centers
    • Animal Kingdom Lodge: Zahanati Massage & Fitness
    • Coronado Springs Resort: La Vide Massage & Fitness Center
    • The Villas at Wilderness: Lodge Sturdy Branches Massage & Fitness Center
    • Yatch & Beach Club: Ship Shape Massage & Fitness Center
    • Contemporary Resort: Olympiad Massage & Fitness Center
  • 20% of select salon services 
    • Grand Floridian: Ivy Trellis Salon
    • Yacht & Beach Club: Ship Shape Salon
    • Coronado Springs Resort: Casa de Belleza Salon
  • Discount on special occasions
    • Disney Floral
    • Disney Honeymoon Registry 
    • Disney Weddings 
  • AAA Care Center (located near Magic Kingdom)
  • Adventures by Disney

*There is probably a lot more discounts I missed, but obviously Disney has a lot if you had not noticed. So always take full advantage of them especially if you are only staying with the company temporarily.

Do we get discounts on the Disney Dining Plan?
There is a discount on the dining plan for Cast Members offered from time-to-time however only at limited times of the year, so call in advance if it is available at a discount.

Can I bring extra furniture with me during my internship?
I will let you read the email from Disney I sent myself, and read their response.

For anyone wondering what you actually get with your apartment here is the entire list (as sent to me by Disney in the email), and yes this was taken word for word:

Common Living Area:
  • 1 Sofa
  • 1 Chair
  • 1 Cocktail table
  • 2 End tables
  • Dining Area (may vary according to occupancy):
  • 1 Dining table
  • 4 Dining chairs
  • Bedroom - Please note our units vary in layout. They will each include a bed, twin frame (some units in bunk style) and storage space for clothing/personal items.
  • 8 Dinner plates, salad plates and cereal bowls
  • 8 Coffee cups
  • 8 Knives, forks and spoons
  • 12 Drinking glasses
  • 1 Tea kettle
  • 1 Large, medium and small pot with lids
  • 1 Frying pan
  • 3 Mixing bowls
  • 1 Colander
  • 1 Sharp knife
  • 1 Measuring cup
  • 1 Spatula
  • 1 6oz Ladle
  • 1 Slotted serving spoon
  • 1 Solid serving spoon
  • 1 Can opener
  • 1 Cookie sheet
  • 1 Silverware tray
  • 1 Cutting board
  • 1 Carrot peeler 
  • 1 Kitchen trash can
  • 1 Vanity wastebasket
  • 1 Telephone
  • 1 Fire extinguisher
As you can see, many amenities will be supplied for you. However, you may want to bring additional items, such as:
  • Linens and bedding (twin size sheets, pillow, blanket, towels, etc.) 
  • TV/VCR/DVD player and a coaxial cable 
  • Stereo (small) 
  • Alarm clock 
  • Beach towel, suntan lotion and/or sunscreen 
  • Camera 
  • Copies and/or originals of important documents 
  • Health insurance information

Note as of 2016 you can also buy items such as bedding at The Grid at The Commons in DCP housing. 

If we extend if their only one graduation ceremony?
Nope! If you extend your program you actually attend graduation twice, and yes you also get all the free swag again. However, to be clear you will still need to RSVP as per the new 2016 rules from Disney Housing.

If we live outside of Disney Housing can we still go to events?
Yes! If you live offsite you get an off property ID you can use to get into the complexes for classes, events, or to use the service center (any reason really). Only note here is you are allowed during regular CP visiting hours only, and sometimes Disney forgets to give you an ID so ask for one at Vista or Chatham Service Center. I would also like to add CP events are for CPs, ICPs, and PIs who pay the fews only guest are allowed to come into the housing events at the complex, but they are not allowed at events such as Starlit Splash & Winter Formal.

Obviously this is again not all the possible questions out there, but I will continue to add more of these when I feel enough questions have not been addressed. Also again if you have any not address in this or the two prior posts with the same title then leave a comment below.

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